martes, 25 de junio de 2019

a free post

hi friends, today I have the opportunity to talk about the topic I want, that's why I'll talk about the Chilean soccer team. I want to talk about that team that has made us celebrate so many times, a group of players that give us a title for the first time, which were two championships and this month we are going for the third America Cup. I have a lot of faith that we can become champions, I know we will have to face one of the favorites in the quarterfinals as it is the team of Colombia, but on Friday we will do everything on the court to beat them. I hope Simmon will join us to celebrate with us if we win again.
I think it's a great opportunity to consolidate this great generation. but we must start to include younger players, thinking about the next world cup.
If we win this cup I will go to celebrate Piazza Italia, since the last time I was very young and my parents did not give me permission to go.

my favorite player of the selection is charles aranguiz, I think he is one of the main players in the team, despite his work on the court I think he is little recognized.

the cell phone

Hello friends. Today I will talk about a technological article that I like, and although it is very basic, I think that the most important article or that I use the most is the cell phone. I was never very attached to technology, but I think that cell phone has become something indispensable for people. mainly because we live in a society in which the information flows so fast that you can lose a lot if you are not connected 24/7. Despite its great importance I think that this dependency with the cell phone is not doing us well, many people spend many hours behind that screen.
in my life I had 6 cell phones and I think my favors are the Apple brand, for its speed and easy use, I think that makes them more expensive.
The applications that I use most frequently are WhatsApp, Instagram and Spotify. Before I used Facebook a lot, but I think it has lost its popularity and there are not interesting things to see in that social network. I was never very good at playing or downloading games on my cell phone, or any other technological item.
in the comments I hope you write me about your favorite phone and your opinion about the dependence with this technological article. please read me.

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019

My friends

hello classmates, today I will talk about my friends.  my best friends are 5, with 3 of them we know each other since I can remember.  We all live near and every day we went out to play in the street, we currently live in different cities because of the university in which we study.  but every time we get together we have a great time, and we are more and more united.  At the beginning of the year we went to a music festival and for the end of the year we are planning a trip on vacation to Bolivia and Peru for 10 days.  the best memory I have with them is when we were working together, so we spent it, they fired us after a month, but then we spent our salary on the beach for a week.

martes, 11 de junio de 2019

A Group or Artist

Hello friends, today I would like to talk about the biggest festival in Chile and the one I went to in 2017, Lollapalooza chile. In that festival I saw several groups that I like. First I saw The 1975. group that since 2010 I listen because of my brother. I also saw The Weeknd, where I sang all his songs and after his show I lost my voice. I was able to enjoy Metalica (it's not one of my favorite groups, but it was impossible not to listen to its quality and musical trajectory). Finally and at the end of the festival I was able to see The Strokes, the best group of life and my favorite. I hope to have the opportunity to see and hear them again.
I think it was two incredible days of festival, an unforgettable experience, and for which I am already collecting money to go back next year.Resultado de imagen para lollapalooza

a free post

hi friends, today I have the opportunity to talk about the topic I want, that's why I'll talk about the Chilean soccer team. I want...